How It Works

The System Administrator, a  designated employee from each agency, has the ability to give administrative rights to specific persons within each agency such as frontline supervisors, investigators, records clerks, etc. who will have the ability to upload the complete case file.  After each document, photograph, digital recording, etc. is complete, it will be uploaded to Advanced Record's Management's platform by those persons with administrative rights.  The System Administrator or designee will have the ability to determine which files will be accessible by the public and which information will be excluded to protect the privacy of victims.


Any person who would like access to the case file may do so by completing the requirements that currently exist such as a subpoena or a Freedom of Information Act  (FOIA) request.  Once permission to access the case file or only specific public documents contained within the file has been granted by the originating agency, the requester will be notified that he or she must create a free account with Advanced Records Management.  In doing so, the agency will be able to determine who accessed the file, and at what date and time the file was accessed. 


The requester will be able to view the case file at anytime, anywhere, and from any electronic smart device.  Advanced Records Management's platform allows for the case file to immediately be accessed in court.  The time for the discovery process to take place will be significantly reduced, and in many instances could be completed on the first court date.